Knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc.

Finished Objects!

Now that the holiday madness is finally over, I have time to stop knitting gifts and get back to just knitting for the fun of it (without a deadline!).

Here are some of the goodies that I’ve gotten finished since the New Year. (Plus some almost finished stuff I really need to get done…)

Project 1: amant by Trude Hertaas (socks!) [project page]



So, truth be told, I only technically finished these socks this morning. I’ll still call them my “first” project because they’ve been sitting 95% done since early January.

loved working with the Smooshy with Cashmere (by Dream in Color). It felt so luxurious all the way through, and it left my hands feeling smooth. The grey color I used (Grey Tabby) was so subdued (in a good way!) yet still had a nice sheen so that my cabling stood out.

Oh, and because I’m weird about these things, I flipped the given chart for the second sock so that they’d be symmetrical. I started to even flip the toe decreases but got a little lazy half-way through and just continued as normal but worked [ssk] instead of [k2tog].


Project 2: Adelaide Yoke Pullover by Kate Gagnon Osborn [project page]




This sweater definitely took a lot of work. If it weren’t for the easy gauge, I think I’d have given up pretty quickly.

I started of with a different colorway and knit an entire sleeve before I decided that I wasn’t happy with it. After frogging the whole sleeve…. I decided on these colors. I think I definitely like the way the colors work on the sleeve better than they do in the yoke, but by the time I was done with it I didn’t feel like ripping it out and rethinking it. It also helped that it was about 1 AM….

The pattern specifies that the sweater is supposed to have zero inches of ease and be tight-fitting. Mine did not turn out that way. However, I think I’m actually happier with it being on the larger side. The sleeves fit well and it’s really only around the stomach that it’s loose, which is fine.

But I would definitely recommend this pattern for anyone who hasn’t made a yoke-style sweater before. I was a little worried but I think I actually like this method a lot better than the traditional back, front, sleeve, sleeve method because there’s less seaming and finishing.


Well, that’s all I’ve got finished so far this year.

I’m currently working on Rose Hiver’s Warm-Hearted Mitts as well as Jocelyn Tunney’s Blue Bell Hill Scarf. Hopefully I’ll get one of those done by the end of February so that I can share it with you all! 🙂


~Happy knitting!~

So Much To Do!

Hi, everyone!

As per usual, it’s been quite a long time since I’ve posted anything on here.

Well, here’s a little update of what’s going on in my life and what’s coming soon!

First off, new pattern! Well, none yet, but I’m currently working on putting the finishing touches on both the Football Sunday and Vulpix Pokedoll pattern. Hopefully they’ll be up this month and you’ll have something cool to knit!

Secondly, I’m currently working on a HUGE original project, a garter lace blanket. There’ll be more about it coming soon and hopefully a pattern too!


Well, as always, happy knitting!

Pattern Update! – Grape Vines Hat

I know it’s been a while, but someone has been kind enough to point out a couple errors in my pattern from July, 2012: the Grape Vines Hat. I’ve since found the old hat and made some changes to the pattern to make it more readable and fix a couple mistakes.

Here’s the new link!

Grape Vines Hat (v2, 6-13-13) (PDF, 717 kb)

Please remember to email me with any questions or concerns! You can also just leave a comment here if you want. 🙂

New Pattern: Knitty Kitty Beanie

Hello there, everyone!

Sorry for such a delay in posting, there’s been a lot going on recently. To make up for it, here’s the pattern I promised!

I think this one is my favorite beanie yet.

It’s another double-knit beanie, this time with a super cute cat pattern on part of it!

All my friends would say that if there’s one thing I love more than crafting, it’s kitties. I’ve got two of my own. My older cat is named Kody and my new kitty is named Nellie.


That’s Kody.


And crazy Nellie.

Sorry bout that…. I show people pictures of my cats the way most people show off their children!


Here’s the link for the pattern!

Knitty Kitty Beanie (.pdf, 2.6MB)

I hope you all have a great time knitting this! And, as always, you can email me or leave a comment if you have a questions or corrections for the pattern! 🙂


Just some tinkering….

Hi, all!

This is just a quick post to let you guys know that I’ve just added the Free Patterns page. It’s got all the patterns I’ve posted on here so far as well as links to the official Ravelry pages.

And you might have noticed I’ve messed around a little with the color scheme. I still like a calming blue, but the old look was getting a little boring. I guess I’m just someone who needs change. 🙂

That’s it for now, look for a new pattern either this weekend (if I have time) or early next week.

~Happy crafting!

Isle of Birds – Official Ravelry Page (And a sneak peek!)

Ok, so I promised that I’d post it later today (which is technically yesterday), but here it is!

The Isle of Birds Beanie Ravelry pattern page is here! Please check out my other patterns too. 🙂

And now, the sneak peek….. another beanie!


I LOVE this hat! I love the colors and, of course, the kitty! This is a pattern I just sort of started fiddling with and ended up really liking. It uses the same techniques as the other beanies but uses a slightly thinner yarn (worsted, not aran) so it’s a completely different feel.

So, as always, keep checking back here because this one will also have a free pattern coming! 🙂

New Free Pattern – Isle of Birds Hat

It’s finally finished! I’ve taken all the photos I need and have put together a pdf of the pattern for this fabulous hat.

If you didn’t see the previous post about this hat, it’s basically just a simply beanie–but with a twist. It’s double knit all the way through, so it’s completely reversible, and super-duper warm!

I’ve already worn it around campus a few times and it’s kept my ears pretty darn toasty. I also love that it has the two sides, so if I change in mood during the day I can just give it a little flip for a whole new look!

Which side do you guys like better? I think I like the mostly blue one…. but it’s’ hard to decide!

Ok, I know, enough yakking. Here’s the pattern!

Link (.pdf): Isle of Birds

If you all have any questions about the pattern, comments, or corrections, please, please feel free to email me!

My email is

You can also just leave a comment on this post too!

I’ll be posting the link to the official Ravelry page of this hat later today (along with the next sneak peek…. :D) so check back soon!

Sneak Peek: New pattern on its way!

So, good news for everyone out there looking for a cool new pattern to knit.

I’ve slightly modified my chevron double knit hat and have turned it into a pretty cool fair-isle beanie. I’ve finished it, and pics of it completed are on the way, but here’s a quick look at some WIP pictures.



There will be a pattern coming too, hopefully this week!~

And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about my chevron items. Once I get them re-knitted so that I can include a phototutorial, I’ll post the pattern!

So….. stay tuned~

Free Pattern – Ze Pink Poof

I finally finished a pattern! 🙂

I’m writing this time to give you guys a free pattern for this big, fluffy cowl I made!

Download (.pdf):  Ze Pink Poof

This thing was both really fun and a hassle to make. It knitted up really quickly, but the yarn kept shedding everywhere!

Please feel free to email me or comment with any corrections, questions, or comments! 🙂

Photo Update and Sneak Peek: New Free Pattern Coming This Week!

So I finally retrieved my double-knit cowl from my boyfriend’s house and I took come pictures of it to show off!

Side A:

Side B:

Both Sides:

I know there are a couple of mistakes visible on one side, but those are bound to happen! The good thing is that it’s reversible so I can put the mistake side on the inside! I’m working on the pattern, and it should be up soon-ish. 

I’ve got something else in the works too! Here’s a little sneak peek of what I’ve been working on.

I know, I know, I said I’d upload the patterns for the double-knit hat and cowl, but I really need a nice day to take the pictures to do the patterns justice. (And it’s a bitter winter right now where I live!)

In the meantime, I’ll have a new pattern up this week what basically amounts to a giant pink puff-ball. It’s really a cowl/neckwarmer of sorts, but it’s just so darn fluffy (and sheds everywhere)!

I’m done knitting it and the (free!) pattern should be up before the week’s over.

Check back to see more goodies! 🙂